In case you guys didn't guess based on our snapchats [follow us: hiptipico] we are an office chock full of animal lovers. Our home office is a constant flurry of action: our cat, Goyang-I, is constantly bringing us "presents" [to our great dismay], Ixi is chasing tuktuks or busy being his diva-self, or Godi's romping through the nearby river and shamelessly tracking mud through the house. It can be chaotic, but it's just a part of what makes working here so special.
Ixi, rescue pup & the Hiptipico mascot ♡

This is Nadia's pup, Godi, looking majestic AF.

Whenever we can, we like to support animals in need locally as much as we can. Through our Collars That Give Back program, 10% of the sales made from selling handmade collars and dog leashes goes to supporting local organizations that help street dogs and cats around Lake Atitlan. Not only are these collars unique and colorful, but they also are helping cats and pups in need of medical care!!

Post-bath Mona ♡

I recently took home a sweet street pup who insisted on sitting by me when I was watching the sun go down over Lake Atitlan last week. We're taking good care of her now-- she's already received her first round of vaccinations and is now taking medicine to take care of her parasites. Little Mona [or as I like to call her, Monkey] makes up for her tiny size with a big personality. Ligia and I tote her basically everywhere with us for the time being, while she is on the road to recovery!
Photos by Nadia Hakim
Shop our dog // cat collars that give back :: here :: ♡
≫ Follow along LIVE from Guatemala and browse more of our fair trade products on Instagram (@hiptipico).
♡ See our female founder's daily posts featuring other ethical fashion brands and collaborations (@alyssaya).
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