Preserving Maya Culture: The Back-Strap Loom

At Hiptipico we honor the Maya culture by supporting the creativity, ingenuity and passion of local artisans in Guatemala.
Pictured above is the traditional back-strap loom, [during a weaving lesson] which uses the weavers body to establish the tension needed to create the woven fabric. As a result, this process is far more physically engaging than it looks. Using their bodies back and forth to tighten and loosen the tension, the weaver's body is practically part of the loom and fabric.
Hiptipico blog, artisan partner, Mayan Artisan, Guatemalan weaving, weaving cooperative, female artisans, traditional mayan dress, traje tipico
Hiptipico blog, artisan partner, Mayan Artisan, Guatemalan weaving, weaving cooperative, female artisans, traditional mayan dress, traje tipico
Hiptipico blog, artisan partner, Mayan Artisan, Guatemalan weaving, weaving cooperative, female artisans, traditional mayan dress, traje tipico
Maya women and their bodies are physically and intimately engaged in every moment of a weavings creation. That is what makes each and every weaving so incredibly special.
Hiptipico blog, artisan partner, Mayan Artisan, Guatemalan weaving, weaving cooperative, female artisans, traditional mayan dress, traje tipico
You can sign up to visit Hiptipico on the ground in Guatemala and take a personal weaving class with our partner weaving cooperatives!

Hiptipico blog, artisan partner, Mayan Artisan, Guatemalan weaving, weaving cooperative, female artisans, traditional mayan dress, traje tipico
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